Ukulele Chords for Beginners – An Overview


The first time you start to play the ukulele can be quite an uphill task. If anything, it can be daunting, especially if the ukulele has been your first instrument ever. Hard Chord diagrams, pain in your fingertips, strumming, getting lost in the rhythm and many more are just a few things you will experience. But to play the ukulele is a rewarding gift at the end of all this.

I have come to believe that these are the basic chords that every player must begin with. The best way is to start with but a few then expand to harder more complex chords. If you start by learning the ones that will be listed here then you will also be able to play a few songs.

There is no easy way to say this, but there are a numerous number of chords and about several hundred ways to play them. However, this fact should not make you lose hope as a beginner instead you should look forward to all you have to learn. You use what is known as an Uke chord chart which shows you the simplest way to play all the main chords. 

The Major Chords

When it comes to almost any type of music, you will realize that there are about seven major chords. Exactly just like the seven notes, there are seven chords: A B C D E F G. Almost all of them are popular and most played, all except B. Which turns out to be actually a bit hard to play it.

This article will cover just the most popular and especially the E chord. This might be another chord that might be hard to play, but since it includes all other basic chords it has to be learned. It is our hope that by the end of this article you will be able to use a Ukulele without any strain.

The Minor Chords

It is thus after all the major chords that we come to the minor chords. These are the most widely used chords and can give the whole song an intimate connection with the player. This is because most major chords are more with the up-tempo and happy tunes. The three that seem to be the most important when you start are Am, Dm, and Em. While learning it is best to have a basic diagram of chords to help to refer to when you don’t understand something.

The Seventh Chords

This is a chord that has brought up a lot of controversy as pertaining to its importance. Yet here as our first and foremost claim is to make sure you understand the best Ukulele Chords for beginners. Therefore, we find that the seventh chord is important if you are to start using one as opposed to an experienced user.

The best part is that they are very easy to learn, and thus, in the end, you are able to add a jazzy flavor to your music. Funk, some groove is in the feel of the song making it fall into the category of soul, jazz, and the very popular uptown songs. Then there is the fact that we can improvise once we are able to learn some if not all the chords.

A certain blogger had recommended the F7, as it was his favorite one, while still saying that it was important to learn all of them. If you want to increase the vybe level of a song, all you have to do is tweak it and make it more interesting. This is why it is never a bad idea to improvise when it comes to any type of Music.

Transitions in Chords

First and foremost, take your time with everything that you are learning while playing this instrument. It will come in handy if you want to become a great player in the future. Try and remember everything you learn about the chords and tricks.

For example, transitioning through chords can be a tricky task if not done right. It is simply only moving your fingers from one string to another to play a different chord. This will not only allow you better ways to play the ukulele without many hassles or delays that you might have when just starting to play the ukulele.

Tips on Playing the Ukulele

If you are a beginner, there are a few tips that I would like to pass on. The very first thing is that you should ensure that you purchase a top quality ukulele. As you will be required to train for a long time, then a new one will endure, where an old one won’t even tune well.

If you have just started, then before you even start playing the ukulele you should always tune it or make sure it is well tuned. This is the basic rule of most, if not all stringed instruments. This is obviously because without being well tuned then you will sound horrible because you will be off key.

Whenever you find a uke tab try to take your time to read it. Then slowly by slowly trying to learn how to read one. Spend some of your time learning basic strumming patterns, to improve your rhythm. Take as much time as you need while tackling a subject, it is better to come out perfect than having rushed through.

As it is always the same with most things, try and have fun. It is already hard enough that you have to learn all these chords while having to be miserable about it all day. If you find that you can’t practice, then try to play your favorite songs. If you feel a little creative you can write your own songs and use them for practice.


As we come to the end of this article I would love to say that we have seen all the chords that allow us to play the ukulele. Then we have also been shown the basic tricks that can help us beginners play the ukulele better.

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Luna was founded off the concept that creative innovation can inspire musicians and songwriters alike to continue doing what they love the most; making music. From Ukuleles to Guitars to Bluegrass to Percussion instruments, Luna has you covered! Each instrument is handcrafted with high expectations in quality, functionality and you can always expect a creative touch. We support aspiring musicians of all ages, artists and the songwriting community by selling quality instruments at an affordable price. Music makes the world a better place; why should instruments be outrageously expensive? Create something beautiful with Luna! #LunaTribe